hello again (:
juz thought of dropping another entry since i'm bored.
yeah. i said it..
you know smth, this school iz really cool. they're having a very special kind of orientation and they're bringing us to the beach at Lorne!! wherever that iz :D but yeah! can you imagine the whole university hanging out together in one beach?? haha at one restaurant??? haha cool stuff. no way izzit like the usual stay in school see-see-look-look kind of orientation!! (: haha it's a 3day 2nights thing. cool right? yeahh...
turns out i missed my orientation registration ):
means i cant attend orientation!! ):
they said when they send the letter of offer, they would send the online registration as well!! BUT!!! i did not receive it somehow or another!! ): maybe it was because my offer letter got kinda mixed up somewhere the other time. i only knew i had orientation one week before i left, and the registration date closed on 12dec ):
how sad....
which means,
i'm gonna be stuck in my room with nothing to do for another week or so.
thank god for friends like ziqi who bought me grey anatomy. maybe it's juz time to open it and start watching....
til i update again!
*throbs @13:33 <3
There .
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